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Add up your total from the following 23 Stress Symptoms:
Mentally, I have...
difficulty concentrating
trouble making decisions
a negative outlook on life
anxious or racing thoughts
constant worry
Emotionally, I have...
general moodiness
irritability or a short temper
agitation, anger, and the inability to relax
depression or general unhappiness
I feel...
overwhelmed with life
lonely and isolated
Physically, I suffer from...
aches and pains in my body
diarrhea/constipation, bowel problems
nausea, dizziness, vertigo
chest pain, rapid heartbeat, pounding of the heart
loss of sex drive
frequent colds or flu viruses
I've noticed in my behavior, I'm...
eating more/less than normal
sleeping too much/too little
isolating myself from others
procrastinating or neglecting life's responsibilities
using alcohol, cigarettes or drugs in excess
engaging in nervous habits
How Many Described You?
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